Coming Soon
The Online School of the Woman allows for years of successful material offered by Dorrine Jones to be made available to women globally such that they can study individually at their own pace or on location with their affiliated group. The Online School of the Woman distinctly teaches women globally from all spheres of influence and stages of life how to maximize their unique potential. We teach women to develop and embrace their gifts and authenticity, apply proven life skills and success principles in order to achieve personal growth, master circumstances, and manage their business and family life successfully.
The content of the Online School of the Woman promotes gowth, clarity and understanding for the whole person enabling them to operate at their best by design. Course categories are designed so that participants can grow and increase their learning of topics from the beginning awareness level to empowered engaged and practicing level. Our measure of success is monitored by the testimonies received of transformed lives as a result of practicing the principles of wholeness in our curriculum.
So whether you are an individual who wants to understand how to maximize your potential and walk in wholeness or a group that wants to grow and increase together, the Online School of the Woman can assist you.
Coming Soon
The Online School of the Woman allows for years of successful material offered by Dorrine Jones to be made available to women globally such that they can study individually at their own pace or on location with their affiliated group. The Online School of the Woman distinctly teaches women globally from all spheres of influence and stages of life how to maximize their unique potential. We teach women to develop and embrace their gifts and authenticity, apply proven life skills and success principles in order to achieve personal growth, master circumstances, and manage their business and family life successfully.
The content of the Online School of the Woman promotes gowth, clarity and understanding for the whole person enabling them to operate at their best by design. Course categories are designed so that participants can grow and increase their learning of topics from the beginning awareness level to empowered engaged and practicing level. Our measure of success is monitored by the testimonies received of transformed lives as a result of practicing the principles of wholeness in our curriculum.
So whether you are an individual who wants to understand how to maximize your potential and walk in wholeness or a group that wants to grow and increase together, the Online School of the Woman can assist you.
Contact Info
- P.O. Box 349
Lincoln University, PA 19352 - 610-566-0457
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© 2024 Dorrine Jones.
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Design By: No Limits Media